Enroll in a storytelling class>

Hey! I'm interested in taking a class!

Thanks for your interest in taking a storytelling class with Campfire! We have a few questions to ask so we can reach out when the next class opens up.

"*" indicates required fields

So we can connect with you about upcoming classes!
We’d love to know more about how you found out about us.
For example, “Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.” We understand that schedules can change, but this information helps us ensure that we offer classes at times when people can attend them.
We want to ensure we’re not sending you emails about classes that you already know you can’t take! Check out our classes here.
Can we add you to the Campfire email list?*
Our monthly “Around the Campfire” newsletter highlights standout stories, storytelling insights, upcoming events, and tips to help you unlock the stories we believe you can tell.